Go beyond polls.
Harness public opinion in real language. IntraSpeak™ extracts public opinion by reading millions of posts and identifying key phrases that come up frequently on any topic. IntraSpeak™ does not rely on any conventional polling methods and extracts prominent opinions directly from free-form commentary.
Customer Discovery
Understand the wants and needs of your customers.
Local Communities
Connect with residents to cultivate stronger communities.
Clinical Trials
Keep track of reported side effects and anecdotal evidence.
Tap into brand perceptions and capture content ideas.

Our vision is a future where everyone can vote through their own word choices instead of choosing a box on a poll.
Quantifying public opinion is central to everything from customer discovery and brand management to scientific reserach and democracy itself.
We believe a large portion of public opinion goes untapped. With polls, participants can only vote on preset options. Meanwhile, reading content to summarize public opinion is not practical when dealing with posts that can easily number in the thousands (or even millions). Until now, viable technologies to quantify public opinion from free discourse in a practical way have been in their infancy, relying on limited sets of keywords instead of dynamically capturing important phrases. Rather than showing you sentiment for keywords you already know to search for, IntraSpeak™ identifies important phrases autonomously and without intervention.
Our core technology identifies statements that arise frequently (even with variations in exact verbiage and expression) to extract the most prominent points from free-form commentary. With IntraSpeak™, it is now more possible than ever to extract actionable insight from social media posts, reviews, or custom sources.

IntraSpeak™ Engine
1. Data Acquisition
2. Advanced Processing

3. Intelligence
IntraSpeak™ can automatically aggregate relevant posts from across social media, but can also accept text from your own custom sources like interviews or call transcripts.
Comprehensive text processing is applied. This includes removing noise such as hashtags and links. Best practices are upheld including stopword removal and data normalization.
Our algorithm uses iterative passes over the content to find important variations of key phrases, all while maintaining thematic consistency. The result is an effective grouping of the key phrases most indicative of public opinion.

IntraSpeak™ Advantages
Leverage Content
IntraSpeak™ can tap into existing content on the web to generate insights, whereas conventional research projects have to pay focus group participants. Of course, custom sources can be used too.
Continous Updates
IntraSpeak™ can continuously run on any topic to generate real-time, updated dashboards that track how public sentiment changes at the daily, weekly, monthly or annual resolution.
Verbiage Flexibility
The core algorithm can effectively associate different versions of closely-related phrases. This helps accurately capture opinion strength even if individuals are expressing the same point with different wording.